Welcome - Start Here



This is for you.

Students and guardians—hello!

I work with many of you often; for those whom I see less frequently, I hope you’ve been well and are taking care.

Over the past few months, I’ve been working on creating a writer’s and musician’s toolkit for you, with all the random bits and bobbles I’ve amassed over the years that I’ve been reading, writing, and performing. I am indebted to and inspired by many of my own peers, colleagues, and mentors and hope to create a literary and musical space worth dwelling in.

This digital garden will hold books, links, charts, graphic organizers, videos, and other such resources for reading, writing, and music, all of which will be updated as often as possible. Please feel free to check back as often as you like or need. Below is a brief introduction to each page:

  • Music Studio: Information on renting harps, harp accessories, music theory, and other music related content.

  • Reading Resources: Links to lists, articles, workbooks, sites, and other reading tools.

  • Writing Resources: Links to reference lists, checklists, rubrics, graphic organizers, and other writing tools.

  • Infinity & Beyond: A collection of sites and journals for students to seek publication, competitions, and other writing activities beyond the classroom.

  • Essay Samples: Example essays for an assortment of grade levels and types of essays.

Please browse around and feel free to send me any suggestions, questions, or comments that you might have.

Gratefully yours,


+ “Reasons Why Writing Remains a Critical Skill for Success” and Marilynne Robinson on imagination and community